Posted by Alyssa LaCoy,
North Country explorer from Boylston, MA
North Country explorer from Boylston, MA
June 15, 2018 —
One of our tasks this week as interns for Nature Up North was to set up two funnel traps for the invasive emerald ash borer (EAB) beetle over the course of yesterday and today. The purpose of these traps is to determine the presence of EAB within the area. Each trap has pheromones that attract nearby insects and a fluid that preserves each specimen. These will be checked every two weeks and taken down in the fall!

Emlyn Crocker
These traps are part of the Adopt-A-Trap Project, sponsored by the St. Lawrence & Eastern Lake Ontario Partnership for Invasive Species Management (SLELO-PRISM) and the New York State DEC. Come check them out!