North Country explorer from Plainfield, Vermont
The permanent St. Lawrence Orienteering Course officially launched Friday, November 3rd! The course begins at the Wachtmeister Field Station, near the Kip Trail, and highlights some of the interesting geologic features in the surrounding forest. Thanks to everyone who came out to test the course, despite wetter than wanted conditions. We enjoyed seeing students and community members share map and compass skills and bond over a shared appreciation for time spent out wandering the woods. Special thanks to the SLU GIS program and student technician Anna Breton for creating the course map, and to Brian Berg for setting up the course.
St. Lawrence students discover a control point on the course, marked by an orange and white flag.
The start and finish controls. Like many orienteering courses, the SLU course includes permanent control sites and temporary electronic punch timers set out just for events.
Participants getting started. The new orienteering course begins near the Wachtmeister Field Station.
Anna Breton '19, just after finishing the course. Shout out to Anna for her incredible work making our course map!
Unofficial winners Elina Breton '19 and Heinrich Salzmann '18 both completed the beginner course in just over 20 minutes!