North Country explorer from
I encountered these grasshoppers a number of times and at several different locations (all in the Adirondack park) between August and October 2013. They caught my attention because they were entirely wingless (apterous); although I knew that wingless grasshoppers existed, I had never seen one before, and did not know that there were any wingless grasshoppers in the northeastern U.S. The first few I found lived among a patch of raspberry (Rubus idaeus) plants by Lake Massawepie; later, I also found some among a patch of blueberries (Vaccinium sp.) growing along the lakeshore and in a small hanging bog in South Colton. The first two pictures are of a female grasshopper on a raspberry plant, the third of a female on a tree trunk, and the fourth of a male in the bog.
I eventually identified the grasshoppers as members of the genus Booneacris; unfortunately, I have not been able to determine with certainty whether they were B. glacialis or B. variegata. For those interested in more information, here is the link to the Orthoptera Species File page on Booneacris: http://orthoptera.speciesfile.org/common/basic/Taxa.aspx?TaxonNameID=11…

Jacob Malcomb
Great detail in these shots. I like the one in the bog.
Kendrick Fowler
Thank you!