North Country explorer from
Gothics always inspires. It challenges hikers and climbers of nearly any level and draws me back at least a couple times per year. The north face shown in this video once intimidated me when I saw it from the Orebed Trail, now it's an annual retreat. I feel only relaxation and freedom once I start moving upward.
Early season often sets it up as mixed rock and thin ice while late winter sees neve if the freeze/thaw cycles have been kind. The Direct Line is my favourite line (vs. the New Finger Slide on the right or lower angle on the far left). It's exposed and has the most exciting ice possibilities.
Robert Smith invited me along this past Saturday. He and I soloed the direct ice line while Alex Atkins and Josh Ferguson pitched it out along a line slightly to the left. This video shows a few of the moments and some of the scenery as clouds moved in then retreated from the west.
Video is at: