North Country explorer from
I was visiting the dike area at Upper Lower Lake WMA and very little was to be seen, but with the binoculars I could see some movement at the far side of the frozen lake.
I took a photo, but even with a 600mm lens, it was barely a speck in the picture.
It took me about 30 minutes to get from the dike to the marsh overlook viewing platform, which was near the location of the coyote, but as I figured it was no longer around.
It was a very nice day out so I then walked out to the shelter on the lowland trail, I sat down for about 20 minutes with little more than a few woodpeckers tapping away. As I was ready to head back, I saw movement a few hundred yards out and it was a coyote walking and hunting for prey in the snow.
Being far enough that I wasn't disturbing it's hunt, but close enough that it was aware I was there was well worth the hours out in the 12 degree temp.
The wide view is what you would have seen without binoculars or a telephoto lens.
The Coyote would be near the center of he frame by the dark street trunk you can see in that frame.