Garlic Mustard is an invasive herb that threatens native species in our local forests. Fortunately for us, we can help control its spread by… eating it. Join Nature Up North in helping to pull garlic mustard from two sites where it is spreading around Canton. Then we’ll meet back at TAUNY for a demonstration on how to turn this invasive weed into a tasty pesto. The event schedule will be as follows:
10-10:30am: Meet at TAUNY for a short introduction to the ecology of garlic mustard and methods to control it
10:30am-12pm: The group will split and travel to two sites in Canton where garlic mustard is growing. We will pull and bag most of what we collect for disposal, and save some for the pesto-making demonstration
12-1:00pm: Return to TAUNY for a demonstration on cooking with garlic mustard. As of 5/06/15, we have not received permission from the Health Department to serve food prepared during this demonstration. However, hopefully you will get some ideas for how to control and eat garlic mustard at home.
Please dress appropriately for the weather and wear clothes that you won’t mind getting a little dirty. Space is limited, so please RSVP to Jake Malcomb, Nature Up North Project Manager at
TAUNY Center
53 Main St
Canton, NY 13617
United States
Jake Malcomb
Long pants and gardening gloves are recommended.