Join St. Lawrence University POWERHouse students and Nature Up North representatives for a POWERFUL start to your Saturday with a birding bonanza! We'll meet at the Wachtmeister Field Station in Canton and begin by talking about the birds migrating through the area, as well as those that stick around for winter. This will be followed by an approximately one hour long walk on the Kip Trail, with frequent stops as we keep our eyes and ears open. This is open to birders of all levels, but the focus will be on those who've always had an interest in birding but haven't had the opportunity to try it, or are just getting started.
We encourage you to bring your own binoculars and guide books, but will have a few pairs to provide if necessary.
Directions: Wachtmeister Field Station is located at the south end of the SLU campus in Canton. To get there, proceed south down Park St. approx. 0.25 mi past the campus athletic fields. The drive will be on the left coming from the SLU campus and right if coming from Route 27.
Photo: Ruby-crowned Kinglet by Ben Dixon
Wachtmeister Field Station
Canton, NY 13617
United States
Kayla Edmunds