As a summer naturalist intern for Nature Up North, one of the things I was most excited about was getting to live in the North Country for the summer. I feel so lucky I got the chance to explore this beautiful place, and I made this photo essay to capture some of my favorite places and views. I hope you love it, and that you see some of the places you love too!
Do you know which nature center in the North Country is home to this (and other) spooky and beautiful tree carvings?
Canadian Geese are the largest geese in the world, with most adults weighing between 5 and 14lbs, and some as big as 20!
Canadian Goose migration has been on the decline as urbanization has increased. The manmade pools and flat grassy spaces in suburbia provide geese plenty of food and habitat space, and the flat landscape allows them to easily spot any predators headed their way.
Approximately 12% of the North American continent is drained by the St. Lawrence River watershed. This makes St. Lawrence County home to many beautiful bodies of water like this one.
The unique geological history of the North Country is a pull for many students, researchers, and your run-of-the-mill rock enthusiasts. Fascinating formations like this one can be seen everywhere!
The North Country is famous for our harsh winters, but the hot summers have us running for one of the many lakes and rivers at our disposal. Do you recognize this iconic St. Lawrence County spot?
Wetlands are sometimes referred to as the “kidneys” of a landscape, cleaning the water that runs through a landscape. It is an extremely important part of the patchwork of diverse landscapes that makes up the North Country.
One of the best parts about summer is getting together with friends and community members! Nature Up North had a fun and busy summer, hosting a total of 27 events and programs for the public and for private groups.
One of the best parts of summer, especially in the North Country, is being surrounded by green growing things! After months of bare branches, seeing the trees fully colorful and alive is a genuine joy.