Teacher Workshop August 9th & 10th - Cancelled
Are you a St. Lawrence County teacher interested in incorporating more nature-based learning into your lessons? Do you want to increase opportunities for integrating outdoor learning with STEM content?
We're excited to bring back our annual summer teacher workshop in two parts!
This first of our two-part workshop is focused on incorporating nature-based STEM learning into classroom curriculum. In the past ten years we have reached 2,400+ students from 10 school districts through citizen science, field trips, class visits, and after-school programs. Let's get outside! Place-based Citizen Science and Environmental Learning with Nature Up North will take place on Wednesday, August 9th from 8:30am - 4:30pm and Thursday, August 10th from 8:30am - 12:00pm.
North Country Wild! Using Camera Traps and Citizen Science to Study Local Wildlife and Inspire Student Learning will be held on Thursday, August 10th from 1:00pm - 5:00pm. For teachers already familiar with Nature Up North, this workshop serves as a stand-alone introduction to our wildlife monitoring citizen science project. For teachers new to Nature Up North, you may wish to also attend our 1.5-day workshop "Let's get outside! Place-based citizen science and environmental learning with Nature Up North" that meets on August 9th and 10th just prior to this workshop. Both workshops are CTLE approved and will meet at the same location.
Where: St. Lawrence University, Johnson Hall of Science Room 112
Who: 5th - 12th Grade Teachers. Educators in all subject areas interested in bringing more place and environmentally-based STEM learning into their curricula are welcome.
What: Topics covered in Let's Get Outside will include: using the outdoors as a classroom, using teaching resources hosted on the Nature Up North website, participating in our Monitor My Maple and water monitoring citizen science projects, integrating citizen science and outdoor learning with Next Gen Science Standards and Common Core, and more!
Topics covered in North Country Wild: We will introduce you to the project workflow including how to work with students on hypothesis development, how to deploy camera traps on your own school property, how to contribute your data to the larger database, and how to access results to use in your classrooms. We will have wildlife game cameras available to loan to participating teachers during the school year.
Stipend: Teachers will receive $150 for participating both days. A catered lunch and light refreshments will be provided.
Nature Up North is an outreach project based at St. Lawrence University that uses technology and citizen science to enhance place-based environmental education.
Registration: Please register online at St. Lawrence/Lewis My Learning Plan Catalogue by August 4th. Let's Get Outside! 1.5 day workshop registration here, North Country Wild! 0.5 day workshop here. We have space for up to 16 workshop participants. You will be notified by email if you are accepted to the workshop.
Please share information about this workshop with any colleagues who might be interested!
Teacher Testimonials:
"Above & beyond, best and most useful [workshop] I've ever participated in."
-Jamie Lopez, 9th grade Living Environment, Ogdensburg Free Academy (2018)
"Best! Very inspiring! I appreciate how you have created a project that could accomodate all ages k-college."
-Kristin Kellogg, 4th grade, Jefferson Elementary (2018)
If you have any questions, please contact Kayla Edmunds, Nature Up North Project Manager, via email (kedmunds@stlawu.edu) or phone (315-229-5704). We look forward to working with you!
-The Nature Up North Team