Looking to leave campus and get out to explore the North Country one last time? Tuesday before St. Lawrence graduation, Nature Up North is offering a guided hike to Stone Valley, open to students and families of students. Stone Valley Trail is a scenic trail offering great opportunities for waterfall viewing, wildlife watching, and learning about local history. The 7.8 mile loop parallels the Raquette River, including the dramatic 1.5 mile stretch below the dam in Colton. Bring a lunch, a friend, and your sense of adventure! Leaving The Brewer Bookstore at 10am, returning at 2pm. Space for 11 participants, email Emlyn (ecrocker@stlawu.edu) to sign-up.
Brewer Bookstore
92 Park St
Canton, NY 13617
United States
Emlyn Crocker
Please dress appropriately for the weather and bring your own food and water for the outing.