Tribs and Tribulations? A look at our local rivers
Professor Michael R. Twiss, Department of Biology Clarkson University
Rivers are the defining features of the St. Lawrence County landscape. There are four major rivers that flow north through the county to the St. Lawrence River. Join the St. Lawrence Land Trust for our inaugural State of the Rivers talk. Freshwater scientist Professor Michael Twiss will address both big picture and small (microscopic and below!) scale impressions and observations of our local rivers, what they can tell us about our environment, and how we can understand, support and protect them. Join us Thursday, February 12 at 7pm at the Grasse River Heritage Room in Rushton Place (the corner or Riverside Dr. and Main St.) Canton. This talk is co-sponsored with Grasse River Heritage and Nature Up North.
Grasse River Heritage Room, Rushton Place
One Main St.
Canton , NY 13617
United States
Tom Langen