Many animals share the North Country with us. However, not much research has been done to study wildlife in our region. The team at Nature Up North is working with members of our community to learn more about the animals around us.
We are located in the heart of the "A2A" region (marked in red in the photo below). A2A stands for "Algonquin to Adirondack" and is the region of land that stretches between Algonquin Provincial Park in Ontario, CA and the Adirondack State Park in New York, USA. Nature Up North is part of a group known as the A2A Collaborative, which is working to connect habitat between the two parks. Doing so will reduce the effects of habitat fragmentation and a changing climate on wildlife. The more we learn about species in our region and their habitat needs, the better able we will be to plan an effective wildlife corridor in the A2A region.
Project Goals
1. Learn about the diversity of animals, and particularly mammals, in our region and their habitat requirements
2. Build a greater understanding of how wildlife use space between the Adirondack mountains and the St. Lawrence River
3. Partner with residents and friends in our community to build a greater understanding of and appreciation for our natural resources.
Volunteer with Us
Right now, there are two ways to help:
1. Become a community camera trapper
2. Identify animals in game camera photos on the Zooniverse
See Results
View the results of our most recent data analyses with our interactive data visualization tool.