Join staff from Nature Up North, Nicandri Nature Center, Cornell Cooperative Extension, and Indian Creek Nature Center for a four part series on North Country Nature in Flight this summer. Learn how a variety of different animals use flight to their advantage, whether that’s for finding food, showing off to others, or just getting around. Throughout this series we’ll learn to see the skies and its flying critters with a whole new perspective!
Join us at Cornell Cooperative Extension to explore the small (sometimes even tiny) world of insects! Did you know that there are only a few types of insects that don’t have wings, which makes the world of flying insects is hugggeeee! We’ll skim the surface like a dragonfly and investigate some of the main “orders” of insects and how they differ - how do “true bugs” compare to beetles? What’s the difference between a “fly” and a “bee?” After this introduction we’ll spend some time outside at the CCE Farm collecting insects to get a closer look at the impressive insects that call the North Country home.
This event is free and perfect for all ages. Reach out to info@natureupnorth.org or contact @natureupnorth on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter with any questions.
Cornell Cooperative Extension St. Lawrence County
2043B NY-68 #4453
Canton, NY 13617
United States
Kayla Edmunds