North Country explorer from San Francisco, California
Landscape 2: The summit of Azure Mountain allows for us to see the Adirondack mountains from an interesting perspective. First off, glacial erratics are a common sight in the Adirondack mountains. There are sizable rocks scattered throughout the mountain range sporadically, reminding us of the glaciers force in moving these rocks. Its formation, known as the Precambrian Shield, gifted the Adirondack mountain range with rocks approximately one billions years old, some of the oldest rocks found on earth. The uplifting event of the earth that brought about these mountain ranges also created parallel fault lines running in a NE~SW orientation, which are visible from the position that the photo was taken.
Finally, the winter eagle-eye view allows for a clear viewing of the tree distribution on the mountains. In the photo the coniferous trees are visibly populating the valleys, while the deciduous trees are sparsely scattered on the peaks.