North Country explorer from Saranac Lake
9-21-14 “Life’s Road” - Oh sure, on Life’s Highway there will be highs and lows.....but even in the darkest of moments.....the gloomiest of days....I promise you there will be bright spots that will bring you great joy....you just have to keep your mind focused on them....steer away from danger....stay out of trouble...respect the rights of others...they have their own lane. Yes, the pathway to happiness has been paved for you....all you have to do is keep it between the lines. I took this photo on Rt. 458 early last eve...during a respite in the rain and an inspiring breach in the clouds. The fall foliage was awesome...the weather was not...but suddenly in the darkness not far ahead....one of life’s treats.....and I didn’t even have to sit, lay down, or roll over to get it... Ha....it doesn’t take much to make my tail wag. But it isn’t the gift that makes me truly happy...it is knowing that I negotiated all the dark, the danger, the gloom, the sickness....to be there...at that moment on Life’s Highway 458 to receive and experience such beauty. For all of my friends and acquaintances and for all their friends who are in the fight for their life, I wish you more than luck...I wish you a miracle....Keep your eye on the road ahead....it will be there waiting for you.