North Country explorer from Farmington, Connecticut
Rabbit Run
Taken February 26th at Lampson Falls in Canton, NY
First of all, the title of this photo refers not only to the image captured of a rabbit running but also of an excellent John Updike novel of the same name. The rabbit tracks are characterized by the more defined imprints following the two long skinny lines just after. You can tell that the rabbit was running downhill based on the arrangement of the two imprints, though the tracks get a bit more difficult to see as they go on. Perhaps the rabbit was trying to find shelter from a predator or foraging. Outside of winter, rabbits enjoy copious food availability, however this changes during winter and rabbits must devote a large amount of time to foraging. They alter their diet slightly to include twigs and braches, as berries and other vegetation aren’t readily available. On top of this, they must avoid becoming the prey of bobcats and foxes. Artistically, this picture is interesting because it shows the rabbit’s movement as well as a nice view down small hill. The shadow also provides nice color contrast.