The Friends of the Nature Center in Massena will hold a Campfire Cooking event at the Nature Center from 6:30pm - 8pm every Friday, July 11 through July 25th. Join the Nature Center staff and create delicious treats that you make yourself over an open fire in our outdoor fire pit. All ages welcome. A $1 donation is requested per person.
July 11, “Banana Boats!”
July 18, “Cake-in-an-Orange!”
July 25, “Fire Fritters!”
Meet at the Nature Center trail head, 19 Robinson Bay Road. Pre-registration is appreciated, call 315-705-5022 or email ncrebirth@yahoo.com to sign-up or for more information. For a full listing of events, visit www.massenanaturecenter.org.
Massena Nature Center
19 Robinson Bay Rd
RobertMoses State Park
Massena, NY 13662
United States
Linda Besio