Kids 5 - 12 can learn all about nature doing fun activities during the summer break. Each day a new topic and activity is planned. This is an opportunity to get kids outdoors and active while learning something new about nature. New technology will be introduced and kids will get to learn STEM skills (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math). Week 1 (July 21- July 25): "Creepy Crawlies", "Fishy Facts", "Birds of Prey", "Beaver Bites", "Reptiles & Amphibians" Week 2 (Aug 25 - Aug 29): "Meadow Adventures", "Wetland Wonders", "Forrest Finds", "Tiny Treasures", "Changing Rivers" Camps run Monday - Friday from 10am - 1pm. Bring a bag lunch and closed toed-shoes.
Massena Nature Center Trailhead
19 Robinson Bay Rd.
Robert Moses State Park
Massena, NY 13662
United States
Linda Besio
Dress for weather - this event is held entirely outdoors.