What's Your Nature?

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Common Whitetail Skimmer

Male dragonfly has distinctive blueish white tail and black wing stripes. Female is mainly brown with similar wing pattern and white spots on the sides of the tail segments.

Northern Damselfly

My family was walking through a bog near Sevey's Corners, and we found a Northern Damselfly.

Pickerel Frog

Stumbled upon a frog sitting next to the barn at my house.

Hermit Thrush

Multiple hermit thrushes heard in the deciduous forest off the Orebed Road

Yellow Rumped Warbler

A yellow rumped warbler seen frantically hopping around in the maple branches

Box Turtle

Just as we left for a weekend trip, we saw a box turtle making its way across the road.

Cedar Waxwing

Cedar Waxwing seen sitting in the reeds just off the bridge.

Song Sparrow

Song Sparrow seen sitting in a pine tree just outside of the house. Black spot on chest very distinctive.

Hermit Thrush

Hermit thrush heard singing off in the bushes off the Route 56 bridge in Colton next to Kunoco.

Who has been here?

Looks like red squirrels are starting to feed on evergreen cones!