What's Your Nature?
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Barred Owl
Evening in the woods with a barred owl hunting voles. Incredibly 'friendly', barred owls often let people get fairly close without becoming alarmed.
Dix Mountain Southwest Buttress Slide
This was part of a 4 slide route on Dix Mountain on a perfect summer day. This slide was created in 2011 by Tropical Storm Irene and is more of a rock climb than typical slide climb.
More details at: http://forums.adkhighpeaks.com/showthread.php?t=18747
Pyramid Peak South Face
Look for this encounter featured in the January/February issue of Adirondac Magazine!
This was the perfect Adirondack winter climb...cold temps, cobolt blue sky, a trusty partner and a picturesque mountain. Route was about 12 miles with roughly 4,150 feet of elevation gain. The red line is for photo inset reference ONLY, not as a defined route; conditions change by day.
Full details at: http://forums.adkhighpeaks.com/showthread.php?t=20607
Coywolf(?) in Potsdam Township
Using a Wildgame Innovations trail cam (Micro Red 6, Enhanced) in the "back 40" a "coywolf" was spotted at 1926hrs on 24SEP12. Distance to coyote is approximately 10 meters, suggesting an overall size of the animal to be much like a full-grown German Shepard. Based on the size and healthy, full coat the animal is possibly the alpha male for a regional pack, which are most active on clear, cool nights.
Flying Squirrels Feasting
The flying squirrels have been "flying" in from the woodlot across the road daily to feast on the sunflower seeds in our homemade bird feeder. They have become accustomed to us and allow us to sit on the front stoop to observe their antics. It is so enjoyable to watch them glide onto the tree, then scurry up and down.