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Just Our Nature - news, updates and insights

Winter Ecology Week 1: New Sights, New Smells, New Snacks

By Winter Ecology at St. Lawrence University on
This winter Nature Up North is featuring a Winter Ecology Series, in which St. Lawrence University students in Dr. Karl McKnight's Winter Ecology course share their observations from a weekly field trip to Glenmeal State Forest in Pierrepont.  We hope you enjoy their accounts from days spent in the woods examining the fascinating ways plants and animals endure the North Country winter.  By…

A North Country Winter Outdoor To-Do List

By Jacob Malcomb on
It will be news to no one that we’ve have some cold days lately – not your average winter chill, but the bitter, biting cold that makes you cough immediately upon breathing outdoor air. The good news is that warmer weather is on the way and the recent snow has opened up a whole world of outdoor winter recreation opportunities. The North Country’s snowbound forests and icy waterways are truly…

Get Outside!

By Macky Young on
Hey NoCo... What is your favorite thing to do outside? There are a million and one things to do outdoors in the North Country. We couldn’t think of a million, but here are 15 ways folks at the Canton Farmer’s Market like to spend their time in the great outdoors. So what are you waiting for? Turn off that computer screen and go explore!

A Day in the Life of an Arborist

By Heron on
Feet spread, body tilted back, two hands on the rope, eyes squinting up through the sun.  I can barely see, but I can’t turn away and I can’t drop the rope, even though my arms are burning and I can feel the rope about to slip through my friction-burnt gloves.  The growl of the chainsaw revs down, the branch swings free and I slowly begin to lower it.  I grab the tips of the branch just as it…

Indigo, Madder, and Marigold!

By Cheynne Y. on
It may be hard to fathom, but we didn't always use chemicals to dye fabrics.  For thousands of years people used plants, roots and berries to dye cotton, muslin, linen, silk and other fabrics.  These days we can pop into a store and buy a rainbow of fabric dye, but it's great fun to dye fabric the old fashioned way!  Not only does it give you a new appreciation for Mother Nature, but it's also a…

10 Best (FREE) Apps for the Outdoor Enthusiast

By Macky Young on
Not everyone agrees that smartphones have a place in the outdoors. For me, the trick is to use smartphone apps in the outdoors that will enhance the experience, not to become the experience. For example, sometimes while hiking I want to know how far it is to the top so I whip out my free altimeter app. But often, I’m really not looking to purchase a $10 smartphone app for an entire topographic…

It's a Plane, It's Superman, It's a heron!

By Heron on
Because my name is Heron, I have had occasion to notice a lack of knowledge regarding this common North Country bird.  When people meet me and I tell them my name is “Heron, like the bird” I am surprised by how many people haven’t heard of herons.  Maybe I’m biased, but I think herons are one the most majestic birds on this earth.  Every time I see one flying overhead or standing in the water on…

Save Your Ash! Promise New York That You Won't Move Firewood.

By Cheynne Y. on
            What is a better way to kick off the summer and the 4th of July weekend than by planning a family camping trip or cookout?  However, no camping trip is complete without roasting s’mores!    Yet, most of us probably don’t think about where that firewood for our campfire came from or what might be in it.  If you’ve ever taken a walk through the woods you have probably heard a pileated…

Thank Your Local Pollinators!

By Macky Young on
  The month of June hosts many popular week-long calendar events such as Worldwide Knit in Public Week and National Watermelon Seed Spitting Week. Most importantly though, June means it is time to celebrate the flying creatures that provide us with beautiful and sweet smelling flowers and fruit all summer long during National Pollinators Week from June 16th-23rd. Established in 2007, Pollinator…

Make a Meal from Your Backyard

By Heron on
I was standing in my back yard today, looking around at all the grass that needed mowing, when I had a rather absurd thought: “If only humans could eat grass, we wouldn’t need to mow our lawns at all!”  Now, if you have ever tried to eat grass, perhaps when you were in grade school (like I did), you will know that it doesn’t taste very good.  Alright, it does have a slight sweetness to it that…