North Country explorer from Farmington, Connecticut
Ripple in Still Water
Taken one October weekend near the St. Lawrence canoe shack in Canton, NY
I stopped to take this photo while a few friends and I were walking along the trails back by the canoe shack. There was a light rain and I thought this picture captured a lot about the season. Colored leaves indicate that fall is coming on, and the rainy fall days are an unforgettable part of my St. Lawrence experience; these days aren’t exactly pleasant but certainly create a distinct feeling. My favorite parts about this photo are the different colors and textures. The ripples in the water are very clear circles and it is cool to see them still instead of constantly expanding and bumping into one another. The rocks are smooth, shiny, and wet, with orange and red leaves fallen into the spaces between. Scientifically, this picture shows how habitats are made suitable for amphibians such as newts and salamanders. One can imagine a very happy salamander being right at home underneath one of those freshly soaked stones.