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Maple Tree by Jencks Hall-D191016059
Opossum Visit's Field At Night
This picture of an opossum was captured late at night using a game camera set up in a field on the edge of SLU's campus. I have not seen opossum's on campus during the day, so I was surprised to see this picture. Some people think opossum's are ugly, but I think they're very cute!
Wildlife and signs at Lampson
Took another hike at Lampson Falls to enjoy fall colors. The chewed beech was new since being there 2 days earlier. The porcupine on the walk out was a bonus - ran into 2 of my advisees right when we saw it. Amazing given my Twitter name is @porcupinedoc. Without diligent Tulip the Labrador there to notice I don’t think any of us would have noticed it.
Driving up CR 27 toward Canton, I saw two bald eagles sitting in a mowed field along with several crows and ravens. Perhaps they were at a gut pile? The smaller birds began to harass the eagles who took flight. One landed on a nearby power pole where it was dive-bombed a few times. The other was harassed in flight, eventually landing back on the ground. The bad pictures from my phone don’t do the observation justice.
Amazing fall colors on the Grasse
Beautiful fall day along the Lampson loop!